Tag: Obama

World Leaders and Humor: Putin and Obama

What is the leadership culture of a World Leader? Looking at leaders such as Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama, we see how humor (or lack thereof) can play a part in the communication process.  Leadership and humor are two things

David Petraeus Scandal Pressed by Time?

When the David Petraeus scandal first broke, I have to be honest I barely knew who the guy was and rolling my eyes said not again.  But than after a fortunate meeting I decided to look further into the David

Political Campaign or Popularity Contest?

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama Political Campaign Every politician is involved in some sort of political campaign aka political agenda.  Isn’t it annoying when the fact-checkers find lies in the politician’s speech and the politician just moves on like nothing ever happened—as if

Politics, Passion, and YOU

Politics, Passion, Purpose I think too many people neglect their passion and do not embrace it. One of my passions, aside from writing, is motivational speaking—and like any passion, it helps if you can see your path to where you

Obama Wants The Rich To Pay 30% In Taxes

Obama Wants The Rich To Pay 30% In Taxes

  There’s been a lot of buzz about Obama wanting to reform the tax code for those that make a million bucks or more a year. The idea here is that if you make more money, you should pay more

Barack Obama, Justin Bieber, and the Holidays

I cringed a bit when I wrote an article headline that included both Obama the President of the United States and the young and ultra-popular music star Justin Bieber. These two folks aren’t anything alike but they both attended a

Presidential Candidates 2012 Democrats, Republicans and More

Presidential Candidates 2012 Socialist, Democrats, Libertarian, Republicans all have Presidential Candidates Is it the media or the presidential candidates making this next election the hottest topic in the news?  The United States presidential election of 2012 is to be held

Medal of Honor Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer

dakota meyer

Since 1863 the Medal of Honor has been awarded to 3458 recipients. Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer is the first living Marine to receive the award for extraordinary service and duty in the Iraq/Afghan war.

American Dollar Getting Ditched by IMF

american dollar

America’s debt crisis is causing the International Monetary Foundation (IMF) to contemplate replacing the United States dollar as the world’s reserve currency. More than the IMF is calling for a change in the global economy. China is also in

Certificate of Live Birth of President Obama Released By White House As Real as Trump’s Comb Over

April 27th, 2011 straight out of Washington D.C. the White House is proud to present, President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.  Proof is finally being brought forward on this day that President Barack Obama is in fact a United States citizen,

Questions Still Raised About President Obama’s Birth Certificate

“Hey Barack Obama I showed you mine now you show me yours!” How many of you saw the latest attack on Barack Obama concerning his American citizenship. On March 28th, 2011 Donald Trump released an unofficial copy of his birth

President Obama Has Quit Smoking

Obama Quits Smoking

Michelle Obama recently had a press luncheon at the White House with 10 reporters from various print media that cover her the most. Among the topics discussed was her husband’s smoking habit. According to Mrs. Obama, he had wanted to